Welcome to Yamaya USA
An unwavering commitment to “the pursuit of flavor” since the establishment of the company Our aim at Yamaya Communications is to pave the way for a new era whilst also preserving traditional flavors. Based on the theme “exciting, enjoyable eating,” we intend to continue to expand the fields in which we excel both at home and overseas. In addition to the manufacture and sale of food products, we also intend to continue to take on the challenge of the restaurant business.We at Yamaya pride ourselves on being “a comprehensive food producer.”
Career Opportunities
Business Professional
Marketing/ Business Analyst (NY,NY): Perform market research, analysis of import & distribution to determine potential sales of products services using software.
Job location at: 59 Great Jones St, NY, NY 10012
Mail resume to: Yamaya USA Inc, 3420 Kashiwa St, Torrance, CA 90505